
How Much Money Should You Spend On Food A Month

How much Should I spend on Groceries

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Figuring out how much to spend on groceries is tricky. Setting a realistic upkeep will depend on factors such as your income, family unit size, metropolis of residence &, diet preferences. Permit'southward break down the toll by numbers.

How much Should I spend on Groceries - Mother shopping with daughter

How Much Should I Be Spending on Groceries?

Saving money on food is important to my family unit. I know that must be important to y'all as well, otherwise, you would accept not landed on this article.  Every bit food is such a personal, individualized thing that it'southward hard to give advice about how to save coin on information technology that applies to everyone.

However, I accept found some statistics and averages that may intrigue you.

Y'all see, nutrient can be expensive and if you are not careful, you tin hands splurge on a few items and accident your budget.

An extra carton of ice foam and a few extra bags of chips tin can actually weigh in on your upkeep. Getting carried away at the grocery store tin can happen fast if you are non careful.

Staying within our family's set grocery budget is essential. Over time, I became very curious.

"What is the average grocery bill for a family of four?"

My idea; is to acquire more almost how much is considered average spending for a family of 4. And of course, I became challenged with spending less than the average family unit of 4. Using strategic shopping methods, I was bound and determined to brand that happen.

Continue in mind that our grocery budget does non include eating out at restaurants.

Eating out is considered a treat for us. We consider information technology a treat and not a basic necessity. Each month, we go out twice and nosotros mark it on the calendar to make sure we don't become over. We cistron it into the amusement category of our upkeep.

Groceries, housing and other essentials should take up no more than 50% of your monthly income.

Woman checking shopping list spending on groceries

Equally y'all know, in that location are many factors involved in determining your family unit's food budget.

Offset, people swallow only differently. While we all take our own ideas near nutrition, every family's needs will vary based on likes and dislikes.

Some may simply purchase organic produce or take special restrictive diets; such every bit gluten-free, dairy-free, or the like. Many also may include nonfood items such every bit personal care items and pet food in their weekly grocery budget.

A few families may even take smaller grocery budgets. Simply, due to the fact that they rather eat out more. They simply need only a few days of grocery-related items at home.

family shoppingr spending on groceries

Average Household Cost of Food In The United States

Let'southward dig in and find out what the average family of four spends on groceries. I did some enquiry.

Co-ordinate to the U.S. Section of Agriculture, which publishes a monthly nutrient plan that suggests how much money Americans should be spending on food, the boilerplate cost of food for a family of four is roughly $254 spending moderately.

At present, this number will exist increasing due to the rising cost of food this twelvemonth. I volition be curiously watching for those numbers as they come up in.

The USDA breaks down the cost of food at home into four categories:

  1. Thrifty Programme
  2. Low-Toll Plan
  3. Moderate Cost Plan
  4. Liberal Price Program

Before looking at the numbers, continue in mind what your family unit spends versus the boilerplate. A good way to effigy out which plan is best for y'all is to wait at what your current nutrient budget is and compare it to the USDA recommendations.

According to the USDA website, the average cost for a family of four with two children under 11 is $218.30 weekly or $vii.79 per person per day on a THRIFTY PLAN (Upward $0.20/per day since concluding quarter). This would assume using coupons and cost comparing while shopping. For those who do non pursue thriftiness and apply a more liberal approach to shopping could spend an average of $327.20 a calendar week or $11.60 per person per 24-hour interval.

Woman checking out at register spending on groceries

Weekly Grocery Budget Spending Ranges Recommendations:

  • Single adults: $59 – $91 per week, or $236 – $364 per month
  • Families of two: $92.40 -$183.x per calendar week, or $400.50 – $793.20 per month
  • Families of four: $154.80 – $327.seventy per week, or $670.70 – $1310.80 per month

Costs tin can vary depending on where people live in the United States. In Seattle, San Francisco, and the New York City borough of Brooklyn, food costs at least xxx percent more than the national boilerplate, co-ordinate to a report from

For my family, past using my "5 Tips on How to Save Big At the Grocery Shop Each Calendar week!!", we spend an average of $110 – $125 per week.

My upkeep includes fresh produce and most of the fourth dimension I can purchase organically. Surprisingly cheaper than the non-organic analogue. We have access to fairly cheap in-season produce, but prices on most items are more expensive than in other parts of the land.

Actually, the issue of how much to spend on groceries boils down to your family's needs and values.

Yous may have a higher income and believe strongly in purchasing all organic foods, for case, that is what you should do. Or yous may have a lower income and believe strongly that you should eat only organic food, then you volition have to brand sacrifices elsewhere in your budget to be able to afford the college toll.

If your goal is to relieve as much money as possible, there are many ideas you can implement to bring your grocery bill down to a level, which is much lower than what the USDA suggests.

To get started, lowering your bill, I have compiled a hefty list of reading fabric to help you lot on your way. But information technology all comes down to first Creating a Budget that works with your family.

Other Articles With Tips for Lowering your Grocery Bill

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Other Proficient Grocery Savings Reads

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How To Get Grocery Coupons for Free

Natural & Organic Coupon Circular-Up

Six Budget Busting Foods – That are costing y'all more than money

Tips To Ownership Organic Nutrient On A Budget

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How Much should you spend on groceries


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